Which letter should I send to the paper

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Day 51: Sense- less Day

Go through today without using your sense of sight.

I never thought being blind for a day would be easy.  But I really didn't expect it to be boring.  I thought I would have some thrills like Jenna on Pretty Little Liars (which I did watch yesterday), but instead a spent a majority of the day sleeping.  It was constantly dark out and I had nothing else to do. 

I did however find it hard to perform normal task.  I don't know how blind people do it.  I managed to make it to the potty okay but still am not sure if there was toothpaste on my toothbrush.  When I was done with that, and it was obviously still dark out, I decided just to get back in bed.  To avoid breaking Michelle's mirror, I decided it would be best to climb in from the foot of the bed.  Only problem was I misgaged where the foot of the bed was and landed on the floor.  Same knee I hit yesterday.  After resting my sore sore knee, I decided it was time to eat lunch.  Luckily I had some chicken that I could microwave, but that was taking too long and the chicken was starting to explode.  I took off my blindfold and saw that I still had 13 minutes to go.  I figured, senseless day: OVER.

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