Which letter should I send to the paper

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Day 24: Barter Day

Since I am not a deceitful person and I believe honesty is the best policy, I cannot have it on my conscience knowing that I acutally started this tast yesterday.  I enjoy bartering.

I exchanged my rug getting cleaned for five extra minutes breaktime (which ended up being longer since he disappeared for 20 minutes).

I also wrote a very positive review on Yelp for Michelle in exchange for her cat.  But then she decided to barter and in exchange for getting her cat back she'd give me her boyfriend.  We settled on a box of Girl Scout cookies (which Jassica's kid is selling, so if anyone interested in purchasing girl scout cookies please contact either me or one of them. http://www.girlscoutsmoheartland.org/pages/cookieprogram.php

I am also collecting boxtops for education.  Thank you)

I decided since I was doing really good at this bartering thing I would try some of the hard stuff the book suggests.

1 pencil = 12 French fries.  I have a lot of pencils.  I asked James (who also works at Longhorn) if next time he worked he would bring me 12 fries for a pencil. For some reason he looked at me like I had two heads. 

I offered my mom my Keeping Up With the Kardashian's DVD.  1 DVD= 110 fresh eggs.  I need eggs.  She said she didn't want that crap.

My dad got upset because for 1 big rock, I could get a cell phone.  I've been telling him I want an iphone.  He said no because a) I gave him about 20 small pebbles instead of a big rock and b) he said you can't barter with something that belongs to the person you are barting with. 

But I was successful in bartering me coming over to their house in exchange for 2 meals and my laundry getting done.

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