Which letter should I send to the paper

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Day 26: Today Choose What You'd Prefer to be Reincarnated As

Circle your first choice and send off with a $5 donation to the Dalai Lama, Lhassa Tibet.

Originally, I was going to look over this and decide while I was at work.  Afterall, this is a very important decision.  Not one to be taken lightly.  But then I saw it and immediately knew, that I shall become the majestic unicorn in my next life.  

Monday, January 30, 2012

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Day 24: Barter Day

Since I am not a deceitful person and I believe honesty is the best policy, I cannot have it on my conscience knowing that I acutally started this tast yesterday.  I enjoy bartering.

I exchanged my rug getting cleaned for five extra minutes breaktime (which ended up being longer since he disappeared for 20 minutes).

I also wrote a very positive review on Yelp for Michelle in exchange for her cat.  But then she decided to barter and in exchange for getting her cat back she'd give me her boyfriend.  We settled on a box of Girl Scout cookies (which Jassica's kid is selling, so if anyone interested in purchasing girl scout cookies please contact either me or one of them. http://www.girlscoutsmoheartland.org/pages/cookieprogram.php

I am also collecting boxtops for education.  Thank you)

I decided since I was doing really good at this bartering thing I would try some of the hard stuff the book suggests.

1 pencil = 12 French fries.  I have a lot of pencils.  I asked James (who also works at Longhorn) if next time he worked he would bring me 12 fries for a pencil. For some reason he looked at me like I had two heads. 

I offered my mom my Keeping Up With the Kardashian's DVD.  1 DVD= 110 fresh eggs.  I need eggs.  She said she didn't want that crap.

My dad got upset because for 1 big rock, I could get a cell phone.  I've been telling him I want an iphone.  He said no because a) I gave him about 20 small pebbles instead of a big rock and b) he said you can't barter with something that belongs to the person you are barting with. 

But I was successful in bartering me coming over to their house in exchange for 2 meals and my laundry getting done.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Day 23: Plastic Fantastic!!!

Today I was supposed to make an appointment with a plastic surgeon just to see what he recommends.  I had actually requested an appointment with St. Louis cosmetic surgery and they never got back with me.  I obviously do not recommend using them for anything.  Considering, I think I am the best looking person on this Earth, I thought this task will be fun, so it will more than likely happen. 

I did ask the security guard and janitor at work tonight what they thought.  Bernard, the pooper scooper, told me to get a nose job.  Ev, the security guard, first told me I was fine, but he wouldn't mind if my mouth were sowed shut.  Bernard told him that's a waste of money because I would just grow another one out of the side of my face. 

Friday, January 27, 2012

Day 22: Today Agree to Meet Someone in 10 Years' Time

I'm not really going anywhere today except work and I'm not handing this out there!  I do need to get khakis for work, maybe, just maybe I'll hand this out there.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Day 20: Poetry Day

Today everyone is to send in a line to create the world's longest poem.  They will be collated and the results will be published across the whole world as soon as a suitable final line is deemed to have been found and we think of a good title.  The opening line is:

"Mercy, cried the popinjay to the pope."

Blah,  I hate creative writing.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Monday, January 23, 2012

Day 18: Kill Something Day

Surprisingly there are no bugs in my house, so I have to come up with something to kill.  I have two different options. 

a) Tonight I'm going out with John.  I had a friend who was once playing wingman to a friend who had trouble talking to girls.  So my friend introduced his friend to a hot girl.  His friend was doing good until a moth started flying around, and his friend grabbed the moth out of the air and ate it.  I could do that.  I but John will find that to be a turn on.


b)  I could somehow figure out how to kill my neighbors yappy ratdog.  I really do hate that dog. 

Day 17: Eat Nothing But Asparagus All Day Long to Ascertain Just How Noxious Your Pee Can Get

Thank God I was too hungover for this!

Day 16: Discreetly Give the Finger to People All Day Today

I cheated on this.  Because of Becky's obvious obliviouness to my advances, I just gave her the finger.

Day 15: Be Gay for the Day part 2

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Finally Day 15: Be Gay for the Day

The book was nice enough to give me guidelines for this, so I figured why not follow them.

8:oo am:  During rush hour, try to brush up gently against someone in public transport.  This is just to get yourself used to the idea of same- sex contact.  Do not push this too far as technically it is known as frottage and could get you arrested.

 Since I don’t take public transport and I don’t work until 3:oo pm.  I’m going to go to the store.  I need to buy  liquor anyway.  I get up and put on my plaid shirt and begin to explore my homosexuality.  I begin at the grocery store.  It’s the perfect place to pick someone up.  Unfortunately, I did not pick someone up.  I looked  around for someone attractive, which was surprisingly hard.  All the hot ones had babies and I’m not ready to be someone’s parent.  I’d figured we’d adopt in 2 years.  Finally, I found a 5 ½ and decided she’ll do, after all she did have that ½.  But she wasn’t having it and did some funny move and I ended up knocking over a small attachable shelf containing pill cases.  Considering it was the only thing I picked up at the grocery store, I decided it was time to leave.

 So, I head over to the coffee shop across the street.  According to TV, lesbians always hang out at the coffee shops.  Surprisingly, it’s mainly men.  There is a girl about my age ordering food.  I decide to employ (big word) what I learned on day 2 and day 14 and tell her I liked her hat while looking soulfully into her eyes, wondering if she could be the one.  I almost got her number but then my order was ready and she walked away.

 11:oo am:  The office coffee machine is the ideal casual flirting situation.  Wait for the object of your affection to help themselves to a coffee before bumping into them.  Their beverage will spill over them, providing you with the perfect opportunity to caress their chest with a kitchen towel.

 This would’ve been perfect if I was going into my other job (I can’t do this at the job I’m going to today since I’ll be spending the day with high school kids and I’m too pretty for jail).  It would’ve been perfect, not only because the coffee there is a lot better than what I had, but because when I was moonlighting as a fulltime employee (or just moonlighting as an employee, as the president of the college says), Sheryl and I would take daily coffee breaks and after all, she was the first person I gave the sex eye to.

1:oo pm:  Because of social conventions, it is much easier to find a gay mate if you are officially on the lookout.  Use your lunch hour to compose a carefully worded all staff email in which you come out of the closet. (You will always be able to claim it was a misunderstanding tomorrow).

 I hate that all staff emails need to be approved before we send them cause I have a really strong feeling (I’m learning to listen to my instincts) that this is not going to be approved.  Which I guess is okay since all the hot ones (especially Jean) are either married or annoying.  I figured I’d do the next best thing and announce on Facebook “I’m out of the closet.

The response was amazing.  I even had one guy text me and say “I think someone may have messed with your facebook lol…  Unless u really did come out.”

3:oo pm:  By now you should have had plenty of responses to your flirting overtures, but you also need to start planning your evening.  Ring a close same gender friend and say you have something important to tell them.  Arrange to meet in a romantic bar or restaurant.  Candlelight is best.

I hate snow and ice!  I’m not able to have my romantic evening until tomorrow!

 5:oo pm:  The end of the office day.  As tomorrow you will be able to explain everything, why not turn up the heat a little by squeezing someone’s bottom playfully on your way out.  (If possible pick someone with a sense of humor).

 8:oo pm:  By now your date should be going well.  After a few drinks, some inadvertent touching and a lot of eye contact, you will have told your close friend that you think that your relationship could be taken to the next level.  They may act unconvinced at first, even play “hard to get” so don’t  be shy of forcing them to deal with their feelings by grabbing their hand or even French kissing them.

I just finished preparing for tonight.  My friend, Becky, is coming over early on pretenses of prepartying.  But I am actually going to use this opportunity to tell her that we should take are relationship to the next level.  I have candles set up in my apartment for mood lighting (thank God for Party Lite!), I have a $3 bottle of wine chilling in the fridge, ready to pour just seconds before she arrives.  I am wishing I still had Netflix so I can have a romantic fire going on the TV.  Christina Perri’s Arms is set up and ready to play upon entrance.  And just to make the gesture romantic, I have a single rose waiting for me to give to her.  Who says romance is dead.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Yet Another Disclaimer

Due to unforeseen circumstances, ie shifty weather, the task for today will not be completed until tomorrow night. Considering the nature (no pun intended) of this task, it is worth the wait.

Please tune in sometime Sunday.

Thursday, January 19, 2012


We regret to inform you Day 15 will not be posted on Friday January 20. It will be posted Saturday January 21. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Day 14: A Day of Compliments

This day was hard. I prefer insults. People like to know what's wrong with them. But I did very good. I told my advisor that her photos were amazing (which was not a lie) and in return (because we're supposed to see if anything does come from it) she recommended a person to help me finish my final semester at school which is in the Fall!

I'll try to compliment my professor in class tonight. Maybe he'll give me an A... or a scandal.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Day 13: Send A Letter to a Mass Murderer

Today I am supposed to write a letter to a mass murderer.  The book was nice enough to recommend a few.  This is something I think everyone should try.  The shock on people's faces when you tell them what you are doing is totally worth.  I thought my doctor was about to passout. 

The mass murderer I chose was Robert Lee Yates, Jr (nicknamed the Spokane Serial Killer).  He killed over 14 people in Spokane, Washington and is currently hanging out on death row.  I chose him because I really like the state of Washington.  It's beautiful and Grey's. Anatomy is set there.

This tasks kind of makes me wish I was still friends with my ex- BFF, Fred, because my obsession with serial killers always freaked him out.  But then I remember who I'm talking about and wich a serial killer would get him.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Day 12: What's Your Type?

 This is perfect since I'm having a party on Saturday!  I don't really go for girls but if I did, they would have to have boobs like this girls. 

I told John (dude I picked up at bar) that I only dated married guys.  I should totally have checked that for him.

And when I was training yesterday, I saw a dude who kind of looked like Prince Harry, who is totatlly hot in my opinion.  So I was really excited when I pulled my groin and had to get off the treadmill early so I could look at him.  I honestly thought, no pain, no gain was going to work this time, but he had a gross white trash mustache.  Ew!!! 

Hopefully this list will work on Saturday, but I'll probably just end up with a sleezeball.  Afterall, they do make the best kissers.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Martin Luther King Day: Today Introduce Yourself to Someone You Know But Never Speak To

I figured this would be easy since I just picked a guy up at the bar this weekend (go, me, go!).  I was thinking in honor of Martin Luther King day, I would introducte myself to a black person.  Besides my mom, I only know about four. 

But I introduced myself to one of the ladies at the front desk of the clinic at work.  I didn't catch her name.  When I told her I was Jenn, she started to slip on the floor.  Probably from the excitiment of meeting me.  We talked about the color green, slippery floors, and those knit hats with the animals on them.

DeLux Koala Grey Wool Pilot Animal Cap/Hat - Limited Edition

Day 10: Meet Jonas Day!

A nice quiet, boring day.  I had to read a passage about a dude who is working on the book.  He's been arrested and broke up with his girlfriend.  I had a few good laughs, but then rolled over and went back to sleep.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Day 9: Do Something Before Breakfast Today

I liked their suggestion of calling a friend at 5:00 am and be surprised that they are not up yet, but considering I got up at 5:00 am 8 out of the 9 past days, I set my alarm for 9:00 am.  So when I woke up at 8:00 am (damn body adjusting), I began this task.

I made cupcakes.

I did dishes

I ate raw cake batter

The book suggested seeing what is on TV at this hour.  Chef Roble and Co.  Ew, they're doing a pig roast.  I think I'll see what's on the DVR.  Revenge!!!!

I text Jenny.  Find out we're meeting for lunch in an hour, so I think I might just skip breakfast today.

fyi.  I had a bagel 15 minutes later

Friday, January 13, 2012

Day 8: Addiction Free Day

7:24Had cake
8:47Had more cake
9:16:  Got possibly my last cup of coffee from coffee shop at work (so, good, possibly
           better than Starbuck's)
9:26Read meaning of addiction free day:

           Your body is your temple.  Cut out addictive stubstances
           for the day and see how much purer you feel.

9:27:   Whoops :/  I thought it just meant my addictions, which I have none of. 

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Rug Burn On My Knees Is Really Burning

Day 6: Today write the opening sentence of your debut novel.

Mine is about a young girl dealing with alocoholism and drug addiction.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Day 5: Mass Social Experiment

Cut out and stick an "Out of Order" sign on any item of public infrastructure you might encounter today, including, but not limited to: elevators, garbage trucks, cranes, phone booths, toilets, ventilation units, escalators, entrances to subway stations. The aim is to achieve comprehensive social breakdown across the U.S.

Like my putting an “Out of Order” sign on the bathroom is really going to cause infrastructure to breakdown.  Since I highly doubt this, I think I’m going to use this task as my good deed for the day.  Since the students are back and are totally interrupting nap and Facebook time in the library, I can use this sign in there.  I know that most people would just put it on the computer, but really, how is that beneficial?  People will be coming up and complaining that the computer isn’t working.  I know how the system works.  I’ll just put the sign on the Help Desk person.  I know she’ll really appreciate it.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Day 4: World Coloring in Day

Day 2 on Day 4: The Love of Your Life

This is harder than I thought.  I practiced on Sheryl.  She asked if I was in love with her and had an awkward laugh.  Wayne just wiggled his eyes like he was uncomfortable.  This is going to be fun!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Day 3: Throw Away Somehting That You Like (part 2)

I have decided to donate (instead of throw away), a shirt that I have been putting in and taking out of my donation boxes for the last three years.  I am taking this as the opportunity to finally get rid of it.

 Goodbye beautiful shirt

Day 3: Throw Away Something That You Like

My mother asked me what I was doing.  I told her, I was completing tasks to change my life.  I then proceded to tell her what today's task was.  Then said, "I like you."  She did not go to the trash.

Day 2: The Love of Your Life

Task: Today, gaze at everyone wondering whether they might be the one true love of your life, the one destined for you and you alone, and whether you might be passing them by forever.

I didn't realize when I was going to St. Joe, MO, the only people I would see would be part of my geneology. Gross!  I was really hoping to land myself an 80 year old hog farmer.  Oh, well, I think I'll try this task Monday and/or Tuesday at work.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Day 1: Warm Up

Task one is hard. I have a choice to do one of 20 things. Some are easy to eliminate, such as perform a strip tease in private. I do that every time I'm drunk. Some are not. I was going to set all my clocks to exactly the right time. This would be perfect since one of my clocks is 40 minutes off and another 54 minutes off, but then I remember, I will not be home for two days. I can decide which one of my toes is the prettiest. I even take off my shoes to look. They're all pretty ugly, so moving on. I can give a pet name to my genitalia. But my stuffed animals are named Koala, Panda, Pig and yes, they are a koala, panda, and a pig. I did think of one name but it kind of implies it's not clean down there, which is totally false. A one minute hunger strike I can easily do at the high school. I mean, it's not fair for me to be eating while I'm confiscating the kids food. Then there is also leave work 5 minutes early. I already planned on doing that. I guess I'll tell someone my middle name. Elisabeth. Done.

Tomorrow, I am supposed to gaze into everyone's eyes as if I think they may be the one. This will be interesting since I'll be in St. Joe, MO: the old people and farmer capital of Missouri.